Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sucking it up.

Through my tears of exhaustion and overwhelmedness this morning, amid the claustrophobic clutter or my new life, my beautiful and exceptionally understanding "this is why I didn't want to move onto the boat early" husband, reminded me of the good stuff. He reminded me of what adventures were instore for Family Robinson. He pointed out how happy and excited the kids are, (Dizzy has a way to go), and he also reminded me that I was going to the pub with my girlfriends tomorrow night.

Thank God.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sun day.

.. and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights.

Our kids are 4.5 and almost 3, and in their lifetime, it hasn't really rained for more than a minute. - and now I've just looked at the forecast, and it's apparently going to rain for the rest of our lives.

This of course coincides beautifully with our new living arrangements. On a 14 metre yacht. That's 14 metres of fun fun fun, 14 metres of tubs, 14 metres of 'non raining' area, and today it was 14 metres of 'out of bounds' area due to Xave and Romi, our fridge mechanic, crawling around in the engine room with the floor up for 8 hours.

Yippety flippin' yee.

... and if it does continue to rain, at least we will be safe on our ark. Of sorts.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

It hasn't rained for 10 years - it would rain this weekend wouldn't it...

So we made it. Onto the boat that is.

We still lack the basic amenities, but we're just looking at it as camping. On water. Easy peasy.

Night one saw us here after dinner at mum and dad's, half sloshed (was a BIG day) with an unpacked boat, and NO LIGHTS.
At 8pm we were fumbling around in the dark looking for pj's, drink bottles, heat 'packets' - all the comforts of home - anyway, we made it through the freeeeeeeezing cold night. Roo & Cooks slept through the entire night (unheard of) and Xave and I spent most of the night awake, worrying about them.

The dog also coped. Bundled up under our doona at the bottom of our bed.

After putting the call out that we were open to family dinner invitations, we managed to avoid the 'galley' again tonight, with an invitation to dinner with A & W and gals.

We found it hard to leave. Was so. very. comfortable. Thankyou so much.

We are now facing night 2. But it is a very different night 2 - we have LIGHT and HEAT.

Promise I'll post some pics soon.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

moving in...

So this is it. Tomorrow we're moving onto Awaitea. Does anyone recall reading my tick tock post.

I needed 3 things in order to live aboard.

1. working bathroom
2. working kitchen
3. working tv.

Guess what we've got?

go on. guess.

Yep. You guessed it.

None of the above.

So on Saturday morning, when Roo wakes up at his usual time of 6am, you may think of me. You may think of me dancing around the saloon, pretending I'm first Justine Clarke, followed by Angelina Ballerina, Dirtgirl, Ben 10, and the pink Wotnot, whilst mixing up the skim milk powder in order for them to put something wet on their breakfast cereal, (no fridge yet), and in the meantime Roo will be begrudgingly pooing in a bucket as the appropriate tank isn't yet installed.


Reality Check.

Xave and Andy brought Awaitea down to Queenscliff last Monday, so Roo, Cooks & I excitedly met them at the harbour...

Within 3 minutes, Cooks was swinging off the rails, dangling over the water pretending it was a monkey bar, Roo had tripped over and fallen into the cockpit banging his head on the helm on the way down, and Dizzy was barking hysterically at all oily rag in the tender thinking it was an Australian Fur Seal.

Meanwhile, a small group of harbour folk had gathered to witness the cacophony, perhaps deliberating whether or not to charge us TRIPLE in order for us to move along.


Exactly whose idea was this?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Skim milk powder & canned tomatoes...

Xavier does the supermarket shopping. I spend too much money and have been banned.

His latest shop brought home skim milk powder, canned tomatoes, dried yeast, & canned fruit salad. That's it.

Unfortunately, we're still a couple of weeks away from leaving, and powdered milk, canned tomatoes, dried yeast and canned fruit just aren't going to cut it in the kinder lunch box.

Can you please buy some bread Xave?

I'm a bit stressed.