Saturday, June 26, 2010

It hasn't rained for 10 years - it would rain this weekend wouldn't it...

So we made it. Onto the boat that is.

We still lack the basic amenities, but we're just looking at it as camping. On water. Easy peasy.

Night one saw us here after dinner at mum and dad's, half sloshed (was a BIG day) with an unpacked boat, and NO LIGHTS.
At 8pm we were fumbling around in the dark looking for pj's, drink bottles, heat 'packets' - all the comforts of home - anyway, we made it through the freeeeeeeezing cold night. Roo & Cooks slept through the entire night (unheard of) and Xave and I spent most of the night awake, worrying about them.

The dog also coped. Bundled up under our doona at the bottom of our bed.

After putting the call out that we were open to family dinner invitations, we managed to avoid the 'galley' again tonight, with an invitation to dinner with A & W and gals.

We found it hard to leave. Was so. very. comfortable. Thankyou so much.

We are now facing night 2. But it is a very different night 2 - we have LIGHT and HEAT.

Promise I'll post some pics soon.