Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Farewell my lovelies?...

OK, so I know it's a bit premature (for those not in the know, we aren't leaving until June), but I was caught browsing 'tan boots' on ebay the other day by Xave. He stated rather emphatically "well, you won't be needing those where we're going".

Have I missed something?

Will I not be needing my shoes. MY SHOES I SAID. Am I going to be shoeless from here on in?

I've started going through my stuff. Xave's stuff. Roo & Cookie's stuff. I have NEVER been a hoarder, but we have still accumulated so much stuff.

I have absolutely no idea what we'll need. I have very little idea about how much space we'll have.

maybe I should ask the people who ransacked our yacht a couple of weeks ago. they'll know how much space there is, seeing as though they emptied EVERY BLOODY CUPBOARD out..

I asked Roo the other night what he HAD to have on the boat. His response was (in no particular order) 'my leggo, all my cars, Buzz Lightyear (which was clearly in his peripheral vision as he hasn't actually picked it up for about 12 months), all my books mum, my train set, transformers, leapster, space hopper, bike, scooter, art book and pencils, leggo soccer, puzzles of course', etc etc etc

Cooks might be a bit easier, she'll be fine with a palmful of sunscreen and my clothes to dress up in.

As for me, what can't I live without? my phone, the internet, my family, my friends, visitors, cafe's, shops.....and all. those. lovely. shoes.

Might need to make a few adjustments.