Thursday, July 15, 2010


Blow Off Another Thousand

Ban Objects And Things

Bang On About Trouble

(Bring On Another Tequila)

Bad Odour Around Toilet

Behold Our Aching Thighs/Torsos/Tendons (etc)

Being Oddly Argumentative Today

When thinking up these phrases, I noticed a distinct pattern emerging....
hmmmm, perhaps a little negative?

Give me your best 'B.O.A.T' & comment below.

Water woes.

I am thinking about water a lot. Not only because we're floating on it, or the fact that it has been seriously falling from the sky, but mostly because we've got to remove one of the bloody water tanks A G A I N !!!!!!

Last week Xave tentatively filled the tanks for the first time in a long time.

Sure enough, there were several leaks to address. Nothing major, just hose fittings, a couple of seals and the like.

Well that's what we thought...

24 hrs later, we found water in the bottom of the bilge. Xave scruffed around in the engine room (his favourite pastime) and found the culprit - a pin hole in the BOTTOM of the only removable water tank. Now being removable one would think would be a GOOD thing. I guess it would be, if it was sitting politely and lightly just under one of the floor panels.

Of course this wasn't the case.

To remove the water tank, one has to first get to the water tank which is buried beneath and behind the water heater and the batteries. This requires disconnecting and removing the batteries and the battery trays, then 'unwiring' and 'unhosing' the water heater, and removing that, draining & 'unhosing' the holy tank, uncomfortably removing the seriously heavy & awkwardly shaped stainless steel tank (which requires the strength of two hefty blokes) and then carting it off to the welder to fix. Then the entire process is obviously reversed. This takes all day.

So they did this, whilst the kids and I were banished for the day due to no floor, & no power.

and guess what?

today. Xave. found. another. HOOOOOOOOOOOOLE. (Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo)

So tomorrow, instead of putting sails up as planned, the kids & I will again be banished, as Xave squeezes himself into too tight spots to repeat the harrowing process.

and tonight, before I sleep, I'm going to have a FIRM word with Mother Nature, to ask her to stop her incessant blowing, and let the waters be still tomorrow so that at least Xave won't feel sick in the engine room.

I am NOT A PATIENT WOMAN. this is doing my head in.