Saturday, October 23, 2010


Yesterday, the alternator on the generator cracked it, and caused one of our batteries to boil thus emitting the most DISGUSTING, REVOLTING smell of sulphur, which then proceeded to infiltrate every little nook and cranny of Awaitea.

It hit our nostrils like a blow to the face -and so we putted over to the marina to breathe fresh air.

Xave spoke to every man and his dog about the cause / solution, then returned to the boat with instructions to remove the boiling battery carefully whilst Roo Cooks and I waited it out on the dock. (Cooks being Cooks announced proudly to all the blokes that our boat smells like 'egg farts'.)

Nice one Cooks.

Today, the battery has been replaced, and some bloke has got the alternator and may or may not be able to look at it today.

So, we are on the boat with no 240 volts, which means no hot water or fridges, probably at least until Tuesday.
Fun and games...