Saturday, August 7, 2010

Possibly the very very VERY best shoe for a boat. Ever.

So if you've read any of this blog, you'll know I've got a [slight] thing for shoes.


You'll know that I had to seriously cull my shoe haul to fit in out floating caravan. (MIght I add at this point, that Xave has practically more shoes than I've brought along)


In my never ending quest for the quirk - I stumbled across these little rippers. They are so up a yacht goer's alley, so fit for aquatic adventure, so perfect for perfecting 'the look' of a mariner..

They are NATIVE shoes, and I reckon they're ace.

The only problem with these little beauties, is that I had to buy them from the other side of the globe, (no Aussie supplier yet) and the only site which didn't want to charge me MORE for postage than the actual shoe, didn't have the colour I REALLY wanted.

Galliano yellow.

Did I mention Galliano yellow?

Size W7.


Sigh. LOVE these shoes.