Monday, April 12, 2010

Sound carries over water.......

I was thinking the other day about how noise carries on the water. I remember as a young girl, holidaying on a houseboat with my family in Pittwater. I vividly remember a party going on in one of the beautiful homes nestled in the bushes. The sounds of eating and drinking and laughter carried calmly and silkily across the glassy water to our boat.... (it was possible I had cabin fever as I also remember how badly I wanted to be at that party..

that aside, it made me think of Cookie. It made me think of Cookie and her headachingly LOUD screaming tantrums. It made me think about how sound carries along water and how other people are potentially going to be experiencing Cookie's tantrums (by default.)

When Cooks has a hissy fit at home, she's bundled up and put in her room with the door firmly SHUT. The squeals of outrage are fairly muffled by the closed door. What on earth are we going to do with her on the boat?. What do we do with a tantruming 2 year old? Where is 'time out'? Is it in the bilge? Is it in the dinghy tied to a very long rope at the end of the swimming platform? Will she be made to 'walk the plank'? Maybe she should be hoisted up the main mast and left there dangling until she's over her hissy fit.....

.. and if that is the case, maybe our reputation will precede us. Maybe everyone will know, as sure as the grapevine travels on water as on land, that the wriggling, squirming, outraged 2 year old up Awaitea's mast, is just Cookie - just Cookie having time out.

Hopefully she'll be over it all by June (!), but in the meantime, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  1. How about a lifetime supply of lollipops? Shove firmly in gob when tantrum begins... although the resulting sugar rush could see her running around and around and around the deck until she's dizzier than dizzy the dog. But which soundtrack would you prefer? The hyper feet thump or the baby banshee wail...

  2. given the lack of 'walls' to be ran around within, and the resultant 'dizzyful unbalancing overboard' consideration, I think the wail might have to be endured....
