Sunday, May 23, 2010

tick tock.

In order for us to actually go, (we've been talking about this for e v e r .)... we had to commit to a date. We were introduced to a wonderful family who were happy to come and live in our home but they needed a date. 'April, May, June, July, might even be August or September' wasn't quite specific enough for them.

Xave's dad was staying with us at the time, and he rather obviously stated that maybe this family was brought into our lives for a 'reason'....

So we accepted his thoughts, and accepted our thoughts of what perfect people they were for our home, and commited ourselves. To a date that is, and now we find ourselves watching the clock.

I have alot to do before we go. I've got to put our entire home into boxes and tubs, and transport them into storage, into the opp shops, and into the yacht.

I've also got to clean the house.

I'm really not very good at cleaning, and Xave has made it perfectly clear that I'm not allowed to hire someone to help.. but what he doesn't know won't ...etc. ( for the record, Xavier reads this blog with great interest). - I've got a wonderful group of friends all of whom seem to keep their homes in an incredibly immaculate condition - I struggle to keep my head above the laundry. Lastly, as I've mentioned before, I've got to try and work out what to take which does my head in every time I think about it. So I don't think about it.

Xave has even more to do.

We still need to get Awaitea onto the slips to be re-antifouled. This is a lousy job, and takes time. Always interesting to see what has made a home on her belly (or her prop for that matter, refer to pic - which incidentally should be inserted at this point, but I can't work out how to do that. If anyone knows, please tell me..). She was supposed to come out of the water a couple of weeks ago, but unfortunately we're still waiting....

Awaitea will always be a work in progress, but for the moment the cabins are done, we have places to sleep (and a spare cabin for our mates!). The Saloon is also done. but as we watch that clock tick tocking along, and as our time is running out, I have said to Xave, that we need 3 more crucial things finished FIRST, in order for us to able to live aboard her in Queenscliff until our departure.

We need a working bathroom - running water, flushing toilet etc etc,

We need a working kitchen (not that I'll be using it) - actually that might have to - dare I say it - change as Xave might be a bit busy doing other stuff!?

and we need some little comforts: a tv / dvd player for times when the s*** is hitting the fan. (Which it shouldn't be if everything has been plumbed in correctly.)

Will keep you posted.. x


  1. Dear Robinsons,
    This is the "lovely family"!! We are very excited about moving into your new lovely house, although now reading your blog makes me want to move onto your BOAT too! (I hope we aren't adding any pressure though!)

    As for posting the image where you want it. Put your cursor where you want to insert and then upload the image. Do you have a Visual and a HTML view on your Site Admin dashboard?? On the visual view option you should be able to see where the image has been placed. And on the HTML view you can then place your cursor where you want and insert the image. Does that make sense? Will show you Saturday if it doesn't!

    I am LOVING your blog... very funny, very entertaining, will be checking in everyday!

  2. thanks Aine - makes [a bit of sense] - buy you are clearly far more tech savvy than I!
