Monday, September 6, 2010


Newly repaired sail goes back on track.

My sister Sam, holding on very tightly to an excitable Roo & Cooks.

A nervous farewell.

Thanks for having us Queenscliff Harbour.

Shippety doo dah.

Being rock and rolled.

May not be wanting dinner....

I can't quite believe it, but the adventure has begun.

Xave, Alan, Steve, Adam & Damian set sail this arvo.
A handful of loved ones watched them go through the rip.

After watching that, the galley and all it's equipment is probably now in the saloon. Seriously rough.

Safely through the other side, we watched them head off into the late afternoon.

Smooth sailing.

and please don't forget to call!!!

1 comment:

  1. aaaaaaaah... smooth sailing indeed. SHIT. Is he really gone? Does this mean you're gonna leave us on like what, wednesday, thursday? Noooooo! I'll start crying now. Over and out. Goodnight.
